Food & Drink

6 Weight Loss Shake And Drinks Recipes

September 14, 2020
weight loss shake

Weight loss shakes and drinks give you the best option to enjoy maximum benefits for weight loss and body fitness. It isn’t easy to maintain weight without managing your diet. 

It has been clear with the facts that weight loss is difficult, but it is easier when you adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle. Things become worse when you go out of the way with your food and drinks. However, with time, the way to spend life has thoroughly changed. People took great care of their diet and maintained weight with natural sources.

Best Weight Loss Shake 

There are different kinds of shakes that you can try for your weight loss journey. Here are the best weight loss shakes. 

Peanut Butter Protein Shake

Firstly, this is a homemade protein shake that has all the things for weight loss. It is a nutty, tasty, and creamy shake. This is so a delicious and healthy shake that you get the desired weight loss and nutrients for your body. It is simple and easy to make the recipe for your weight fall. It has no added sugar so it gives you a high amount of fiber along with low fats. 


  • Yogurt: 1 Cup
  • Almond Milk:  ½ Cup
  • Peanut Butter: 1 to 2 Tablespoons
  • Green Grapes: 15-20 

How to make it?

Add all the ingredients into a blender and blend it until it gives you a smooth texture. Refrigerate it and enjoy the shake when it is chilled.

Chocolate And Banana Protein Shake

Chocolate is a love for everyone so no one can deny the passion for chocolate. Moreover, chocolate gives you many benefits for weight loss, too, along with its aromatic temptation. The addition of bananas may give you enough strength with the protein combo. They both give you the best taste of combination.  This shake has not only the yummiest ingredients but also offers weight loss. It has a greater taste to quench your belly needs and satisfy taste buds. In addition, quinoa gives you essential amino acids and proteins.


  • Almonds: 10
  • Yogurt: ½ Cup 
  • Milk: ¾ Cup
  • Cinnamon:  ½ Teaspoon
  • Quinoa: ¼ Cup Cooked
  • Banana: 1 (cut into chunks)
  • Cocoa Powder: 1 Tablespoon 

How to make it?

You can make this shake by adding all the ingredients to the blender. Please turn on the blender and mix it until you get the delicious flavor. 

Berry Protein Shake

Firstly, berries have the properties of antioxidants. They can trigger healthier weight loss by tooling this ability. They can function as powerful antioxidants and provide a great source of fiber for weight loss. However, different kinds of berries have the same qualities. You can use strawberries, cape gooseberries, or blackberries in your shakes to enjoy a boost of benefits. 


  • Berries: 7-10
  • Whipped Cottage Cheese: ½ Cup
  • Water: ¼ Cup
  • Chia Seeds: 1 Tablespoon 
  • Honey: As Per Need

How to make it?

You can make this shake by adding all the ingredients to the blender and blending it until you get a smooth look. However, they give you taste and fiber at the same time.

Vegan Protein Shake

This shake is for those who want to avoid milk and dairy products. It is a high-protein shake that you can add up quickly to your weight loss plan. This is a vegan shake therefore many vegetarians like them most. It has tofu and nut milk that offer protein punch, and the oat may support weight loss with its fiber content. So, get ready to enjoy the best position and vegan-free shake with this recipe.


  • Silken Tofu: ¾ Cup
  • Almond or cashew Milk: 1 Cup
  • Banana: 1
  • Cooked oats: ¼ Cup
  • Honey: 1 Teaspoon
  • Vanilla Essence: 1 Teaspoon 

How to make it?

It is easy to make a drink. Add the above ingredients into a blender and blend it for a few seconds. So, check out the consistency pour it into your glass, and enjoy the protein shake.

Raw Egg Protein Drink

Well, eggs are a pile of protein. They have yolk and egg whites that both give you a boost of protein. That is why many bodybuilders and fitness instructors focused on egg intake. If you are looking to benefit from weight loss and improve the quality of your muscles, try this egg-based shake. It is most important to choose good quality eggs to make this home-made shake more beneficial for your weight loss.


  • Egg: 1
  • Avocado: Half
  • Milk: 1/2 Cup
  • Banana: 1 
  • Honey: 1 Teaspoon
  • Cinnamon: ½ Teaspoon

How to make it?

You can make this shake easily at home by mixing all the ingredients into the blender and blending it. When you get its smooth texture, serve it after chilling.

Spinach Flax Shake

Moreover, this one is a protein shake that you can add to your weight loss plan. It has been backed with spinach and flaxes that ensure you many health-supporting nutrients for a happier food intake. 


  • Unsweetened Almond Milk: 1 Cup
  • Spinach Leaves: A Few
  • Mango Chunks: 1/2 Cup
  • Pineapple Bites: 1/2 Cup
  • Banana: 1/2 
  • Flax Seeds: 1 Tbsp
  • Chia Seeds: 1 Tbsp

How to make it?

The making of this drink is easier. You can enjoy better outcomes for weight loss with this shake. Add all the ingredients into the blender and blend it for a few minutes. Try to make it smoother, then blend it for more seconds. Pour into your glass and serve.

Bottom Line

Above all weight loss shakes help you to enjoy maximum weight loss benefits and drop fats without getting any harm. They are full of fiber, protein, and other nutrients to trigger the safest weight loss.

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