Fashion & Beauty

5 Best Vitamin For Good Skin

October 19, 2020
vitamin for skin

What vitamin should be added for beautiful skin? Vitamins not only play a role in maintaining life and living activities of the body but also are an important link in the skincare routine of women who love skincare. Let’s learn about the top vitamins that are good for the skin and the steps to brighten and quickly find effective skin in the following article.

What is a vitamin? Vitamins are organic compounds that the body cannot synthesize, but most of them must be obtained from daily foods. The excess or lack of vitamins can cause serious health problems, although vitamins only exist in small amounts in the body.

The role of vitamins in health includes maintaining cell life, participating in metabolism, strengthening the immune system, and protecting cells from infectious agents thanks to their ability to resist oxidation. Regulates the activities of the heart and nervous system. Particularly for the skin, vitamins also help speed collagen production (vitamin A), protect the skin from ultraviolet rays (vitamin E), and brighten skin (vitamin C).

If you want to take vitamins for skin beauty properly, you should use the correct dosage in combination with a scientific diet. Also, take it according to the route advised by your doctor.

Most supplements in general and vitamins, in particular, should be stored at room temperature. However, some vitamins are required to be refrigerated according to the requirements on the packaging, especially liquid vitamins.

Some Vitamins Are Good For The Skin

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a light yellow liquid, soluble in alcohol and oil, insoluble in water, and resistant to high temperatures. The human body can absorb both synthetic vitamin E and vitamin E in natural foods (sunflower oil, wheat germ oil, olives, whole grains).

Does Vitamin E have effects on facial skin? Vitamin E has been hailed as a panacea in beauty care with the following functions:

  • Ensure an adequate amount of lipids on the skin, maintain the intact skin barrier, limit moisture release, and prevent skin from stretching dry.
  • Neutralizes harmful free radicals, and anti-oxidizes sebum-causing blackheads.
  • Prevent wrinkles and aging on the skin.
  • Anti-inflammatory promotes skin regeneration in which dead skin cells are replaced with new, healthier ones.
  • Stimulates eyelashes to grow longer, and thicker.

Ways of using vitamin E for facial skin to improve skin health and vitality include taking vitamin E facial tablets or oral pills. However, to avoid side effects that are dangerous to your health and skin. There are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Vitamin E contains oil content, so if you frequently have acne or easily blocked pores, you should limit applying vitamin E directly to your face.
  • Taking vitamin E for too long will cause an excess, to accumulate in the body (especially in the blood). It will reduce the number of platelets, causing blood thinning.
  • Avoid taking oral vitamin E supplements if you have a bleeding disorder.
  • Apply vitamin E at night to optimize the effect of skincare, because according to many studies, vitamin E will be inactivated when exposed to direct sunlight.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin” and is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids. Which functions to enhance the absorption of calcium and phosphate in the intestinal tract. The most important compounds in this group are vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol), which can be introduced into the body through oral and complementary measures. The human body can synthesize vitamin D when exposed to enough sunlight.

You can get vitamin D by going in the morning sun at the right time. In addition, you can get vitamin D from foods such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, milk, cheese, beef liver, and egg yolk. The recommended amount of vitamin D is 600 IU for people from 1 – 70 years old and 800 IU for people over 70 years old.

In addition to the function of maintaining strong bones and teeth, vitamin D also has great benefits in skincare that you may not have heard of:

  • Reducing Acne: A deficiency of vitamin D causes the immune system to be weak, which can increase the oil in the skin cells, causing the sebum to become blocked, causing acne. Therefore, in order to limit acne, you need to supplement vitamin D in your body.
  • Psoriasis: Psoriasis causes scabs on the outer layer of the skin, causing itching and discomfort, and is closely related to vitamin D deficiency and the health of the immune system. In the “Journal of Investigative Dermatology” project, dermatological studies show that scientifically correct sun exposure improves symptoms of psoriasis.
  • Anti-aging: The structural material that makes up the outer layer of the skin is keratin. Which is created by a chemical reaction inside skin cells when direct sunlight hits the skin. Keratin accounts for about 95% of skin cells. The lack of vitamin D affects the rate of cell renewal and division, resulting in thinner skin, rapid aging, and less.

Vitamin C – Anti Freckles

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is found in oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruit, guava, kiwi, pineapple, broccoli, tomatoes, greens, celery, and water spinach. In nature, vitamin C is in the form of white crystals. and very soluble in water.

Referring to the vitamins that are good for the skin, women easily remember vitamin C with countless beauty benefits from this essential vitamin. These include:

  • Promotes collagen formation, helps skin always smooth, fewer wrinkles, and crow’s feet, and helps fill acne scars.
  • Prevents dryness and wrinkles, and helps to fight oxidative damage caused by UV rays.
  • Brightens smooths skin, and maintains youthful skin.
  • Inhibits melanin formation, blurring bruises, pigmentation, freckles …

There are many forms of vitamin C. Such as supplementing vitamin C from food, masking vitamin C, injecting vitamin C directly into the skin, and taking vitamin C. You can also apply vitamin C serum for sensitive skin.

When applying vitamin C to your skin by applying it, you should do it in the evening, avoiding direct sunlight. If you have to go to the street, remember to wear sunscreen.

Vitamin K – Reduce Dark Circles

Vitamin K is a group of fat-soluble vitamins and plays an important role in regulating blood coagulation, and supporting the metabolism of bones and calcium in the vascular system.

You can add vitamin K in broccoli, crayfish, beetroot, celery, mint leaves, basil, garlic, plum, kiwi, tomato, avocado, and fermented cheese …

In the skincare sector, several acne treatment products contain vitamin K on the market. When you apply products containing vitamin K, you can minimize skin problems. Such as skin irritation, scarring due to Excessive collagen proliferation, and dark circles … Currently, research on the effects of vitamin K in skincare is still scarce.

Vitamin A – Prevent Wrinkles

It is an essential nutrient for humans. Vitamin A foods such as gac, fish oil, liver, carrots, sweet potatoes, butter, eggs, pumpkin, melon, apricots, papaya, and mango.

Does Vitamin A have effects on the skin? According to research, vitamin A has a multitude of surprising uses for skin care, including:

  • Prevent sun damage by disrupting collagen breakdown.
  • Maintains moisture, creating a barrier to protect the skin from bacterial invasion.
  • Treat mild to severe acne.
  • Solve problems of aging, wrinkles, sagging, blurring of crow’s feet, and age spots.

In the field of facials, vitamin A is often referred to as retinol (retinol is a derivative of vitamin A). When using retinol for facials, there are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Pregnant or lactating women should not use retinol, because it can affect the fetus and young children.
  • Keep skin very dry before applying retinol cream, because water reacts with retinol, causing skin irritation.
  • Using retinol causes skin irritation. Therefore, you should use a cream containing anti-inflammatory and soothing agents such as panthenol, and ceramides.

The Steps To Whiten Skincare

Keep Your Face Clean

The first step in the whitening skincare routine is to cleanse the skin. For absolutely clean skin, you need to follow all the steps including removing makeup (with makeup remover oil or homemade makeup remover). Also using face cleanser => gentle exfoliation (can be done every other day and depend on the degree needed).

Use Skin-Lightening Products Or Natural Treatments

In this step, you can apply a mask containing vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A… (fruit masks, paper masks…), or skin whitening serums.

Protect Skin From Sun Damage

Sun protection is an extremely essential step if you want healthy glowing skin. Other whitening treatments no matter how fiddly you will be if you don’t wear sunscreen, your face, and your body.

Above is useful information about vitamins good for the skin. Answers to questions about which vitamins are good for acne skin, and basic whitening skincare steps. Wishing you a successful and fast application with supple and radiant skin.

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