Fashion & Beauty

Falling In Love With Tie-Dye Prints

September 6, 2020
Tie-Dye Print

Well stated, “Fashion is not that exists in our clothing only. Fashion is in the street, in the sky; fashion has to do with new ideas, what is happening around us, and the way we live.” – Coco Chanel. The classic tie-dye prints are sure to stand out wherever you go. Yes, tie-dye clothing could be the year’s most stellar trend. The tie-dye trend has already emerged as one of the year’s greatest fashion trends. It is a definite way to free yourself while you are stuck at home. Do you know, that all sorts of brands are incorporating colorful patterns in their collection?

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Fashion & Beauty

DIY Gift Ideas That Stole Someone’s Heart

DIY gifts ideas

Gifts always make a vital place in our lives, and if the gifts are DIY, they double up the joy of receiving and give the gift-giver immense happiness. Gifting is a way of showing love and gratitude to someone we love. Doesn’t matter what the occasion is, whether it is grand or small, gifts always play a vital part. If we say that there is no gift in life, then life is empty or a kind of meaningless, then this statement will not be wrong. This is why people send gifts online to their near and dear ones most whenever a special occasion comes. 

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Fashion & Beauty

All You Need To Know About Contact lenses

Colored Contact Lenses

Colored contact lenses are the new trend followed by many Hollywood stars like Selena Gomez, Zayn Malik, Kayne West, etc. they are not reserved only for Halloween now. However, if you are going to try this trend, it is better to learn as much about it. And we intend to inform you about various colored lenses (especially crystal blue contact lenses).

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