Home & Garden

Changing Janitorial Cleaning To Green Cleaning

August 26, 2020
green cleaning

Cleaning practices of the past have immensely destroyed our environment. As they have harsh and harmful chemicals in them. To protect the earth and its residents, many companies have opted for greener options that are green cleaning. 

Green cleaning is the innovation starting a new cleaning era. It is the process of using cleaning products, that are not only better for the people but also the planet. Green cleaning products promote good health and prevent harmful chemicals from being released into the environment. Going green is more of a lifestyle choice, it is more than just recycling. It requires changing your mentality towards ordinary tasks. And think about how it can benefit the planet as well.

JAN-PRO Offers Green Cleaning Services

Jan-Pro, like many other janitorial cleaning companies, offers green janitorial cleaning services to its customers. To protect their health and to keep the earth safe. Green cleaning services and products have many advantages for the environment. And that’s why it is preferred to be adopted by all. Here are some major advantages to going green: 

Pocket Friendly 

Contrary to many people’s beliefs, green cleaning is less expensive. You can even make your green cleaning products at home. Using the two inexpensive main ingredients i.e. Baking soda and vinegar. This will provide you with effective cleaning and keep your home smelling good and pleasant. Commercial green cleaning products are also simply made and easily available. This allows cleaning companies to give their services at reasonable prices. This fact negates the usual misconception about green cleaning that they are expensive to maintain and also removes the barrier that many people have made based on this misconception.

Longer Lasting 

Green products are like preservers and they make your assets last longer. Traditional cleaning products have many destructive chemicals in their composition. Due to this, they lessen the life of the product they are used on. Such products are not sustainable and do not result in long-lasting effects. These harmful products also destroy the texture of your household belongings. However, green cleaning products do not destroy your belongings and have no destructive effects on them. They clean such products with safety and also ensure the durability of your belongings.

Pleasant Smell

Traditional cleaning products will leave your house smelling of bleach and ammonia that can harm your health. On the other hand, green cleaning products possess no such smell in their composition. Because they are purely made of natural ingredients. Either you are making your green product or you have hired a cleaning company. The after-effects will be pleasant and soothing. No trace of the harsh chemical smell left in your home. And your environment will bloom with a pleasant aroma.

Healthy Alternative 

Going green has proven to be healthier for your family and the planet as well. This way you are doing your part in keeping the environment safe and you also have the satisfaction that your family is enjoying a cleaner environment without any harmful chemicals in it. Green products do not put any smell of chemicals in the environment which can prevent nasal or respiratory issues. At Jan-Pro our utmost priority is to keep the indoor air quality of your home safe and healthy. This contributes to reducing certain health risks like skin irritation, eye infections, chemical poisoning, respiratory infections, etc.

Complete Safety 

Using green products ensures an overall safe environment especially when you have young ones at your home. Children that are five years old or younger are highly susceptible to toxic chemicals and they can fall prey to chemical poisoning. Switching to green cleaning will make the environment healthier and safer for you and your little ones. At Jan-Pro, we take it to our responsibility to keep the environment fresh and healthy for you and your family. Green products can also be a good learning experience for your kids as they would sensitize them to the fact that the earth’s health is as much important as their health. This will promote the importance of environmentalism and build a sense of responsibility in them. 

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