Do you think installing artificial turf is a great idea? Think again. The problems of lawn maintenance, the hazards of artificial turf can be more costly with artificial grass. Artificial grass is composed of plastic. It needs a lot of care. Plastic blades and infill made of crumbs pose various health problems for children and pets.
Black Crumbs
Firstly, children who play in the field can ingest plastic materials. The black crumbs are composed of residues of tires made of black carbon. Inhaling toxic material such as plastic can cause breathing problems, concussions, and even cancer. Lawn maintenance requires constant care of the layering of the soil. Most schools and sports complexes try to avoid the cost and the working hours of maintaining lawns and opt for artificial turf.
Bacterial Infection
Secondly, garden installation with high-quality grass can give any space a refreshing look. The tedious task of lawn maintenance of artificial grass can be cumbersome. There is a high chance of crabgrass and weed growth. Gardeners use weedkillers to keep the artificial turf in shape. The health problems with the overuse of weed killers can be drastic. According to a recent study, artificial turf is sprayed with pesticides daily. These pesticides cause Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which is a bacterial infection. MRSA can result in pneumonia, sepsis, and bloodstream infections without proper lawn maintenance. If your child develops an infection after exposure to artificial turf, it is time to switch to a greener solution.
Plastic Blades
Pets are more likely to chew on the plastic blades of the turf leading to choking hazards. People who have dogs as pets have to clean up after them. I, making lawn maintenance more difficult. It is necessary to clean animal waste immediately. Artificial turf cannot decompose it. You must wash it quickly to remove the smell. Moreover, dogs love to dig up the dirt. Artificial turf is upturned after each digging. You can either have a dog or an artificial turf. Keeping both can be difficult. Lawn maintenance is therefore much more detailed with artificial turfs. Pets might feel comfortable with an artificial lawn but that comfort is of no use if you have to install it again and again.
Tree Removal Costs
Artificial lawn installation can be hectic as you have to hire a tree removal service. To install an artificial lawn, you have to remove the existing grass. You have to remove all the residues of the previous grass. Lawn maintenance is expensive and time-consuming. You have to maintain the number of black crumbs to hold the plastic blades in place. It is better to install a natural green lawn that will grow on its own, and you won’t need a tree removal service as the tree will create an anesthetic edge to your organic lawn. All you need is regular lawn maintenance, and your lawn will look beautiful as ever.
Toxic Chemicals
If we look closely at the composition of artificial grass, the results are shocking. Artificial grass is composed of petroleum products that are cadmium, zinc, and lead, and lawn maintenance can increase the amount of manifold. Lead is a neurotoxin and benzopyrene in tires is a carcinogen. Inhaling or ingesting these chemicals causes breathing problems and long-term diseases in children.
High Maintenance Costs
Revamping a lawn to a natural one is easy if you opt for a garden installation that is both economical and healthy. Lawn maintenance is cheaper with a natural garden. With mowing and gardening services handled by a professional gardening service, you can save your time and money. Growing natural grass may be time taking but it is a far healthier and environmentally friendly choice.
Revamping a lawn to a natural one is easy if you opt for a garden installation that is both economical and healthy. Lawn maintenance is cheaper with natural grass. Save your time and money by hiring a professional gardening service. Growing natural grass may be time taking, but it is a far healthier and environmentally friendly choice.
Heat Stroke
Artificial turf is highly dangerous when compared with natural grass. Lawn maintenance aside, artificial grass becomes hot faster creating a more intense environment for children. The chances of heatstroke are much higher with the concrete under the artificial grass heating up when compared to a natural garden installation. Lawn maintenance of your garden will keep it fresh and free of weeds and lower heat buildup.
Artificial grass is laid on a concrete surface. It requires continuous maintenance as well. The whole concept of using grass is to provide a soft place to fall and create a safe place for sports, especially for children. Lawn maintenance keeps the grass in shape and the landing smooth. Parents don’t have to worry about the safety of their children on natural grass. A single fall on artificial turf can cause a severe injury. That is why several concerned parents have voiced their reservations against artificial turfs.
Recycled Material
Lastly, the use of tire crumbs as backing material can enter the respiratory system. However, the plastic grass can break down into minuscule particles and enter the bloodstream. The researchers used PIPER (Pre Toddler Inhalable Particulate Environmental Robotic) to check whether or not the crumbs could be inhaled by children while playing and lawn maintenance. The study revealed that these particles enter the lungs after continuous exposure leading to breathing problems and even cancer clusters. In addition, there were traces of cancer cells in the lungs of young women soccer players. Washington State Department of Health stated in a report. It shows how hazardous artificial grass can be for children in the long run.
If you want to create a truly green environment for your children then natural grass is the best choice. You can install a garden design that is both natural and refreshing. however, Lawn maintenance has become easier over time with professional gardening services available at affordable prices. By reaching out to an expert, you can install garden designs, get affordable lawn maintenance, and secure tree removal services while keeping your children and pets safe from the hazards of artificial turf.